Carnival of Retirement | Making Sense of Cents
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Rohit @ The Money Mail writes Roth Income Limits and Contribution Limits ? Importance of Roth IRA. Updates for 2013 contribution and income limits for Roth IRA and a reminder for funding 2012 account.
Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence writes 9 tips for UK expats ? Want to retire under the sun? Here are 9 tips to take care of your finances before you retire.
Lance @ Money Life and More writes What Would You Do?: Should I Refinance My Mortgage? ? I reached out to a mortgage banker I have dealt with in the past and asked for a quote. Inside are the details of my mortgage situation along with the quotes I received. Do you think I should refinance my mortgage based on these circumstances?
Michael Kitces @ Nerd?s Eye View writes The Challenges Of Planning For Irregular Expenses ? Just focusing on recurring monthly expenses when budgeting can lead to a significant underestimate of true spending, because of large irregular expenses that have a big bottom line impact. Adjust for this by trying to estimate every expense and convert it into a monthly amount, just to get a more accurate estimate of ongoing spending, or try to estimate the amounts of irregular expenses and the timing of when they might occur.
Dividend Growth Investor @ Dividend Growth Investor writes Why am I obsessed with dividend growth stocks? ? I have an obsession with dividend stocks. I log-on to my brokerage accounts every morning, in order to check the amount, timing and source of any dividends deposited. On certain days, such as the 15th of some months, the amount of dividends received is much higher than my salary. To me dividends represent financial freedom from a 9 to 5 (or typically later) job.
Michael @ Financial Ramblings writes 2013 Contribution Limits for Traditional and Roth IRA Accounts ? Time to look ahead to next year? IRA contribution limits are going up. Are you ready?
Weasel @ Wealthy Weasel writes What is Yield on Cost? ? Yield on cost can be used for dividend stocks, bonds, real estate and more. Calculating the yield on cost is an important part of investigating investments.
Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes Think Hurricane Sandy Doesn?t Affect You? Think Again ? While most of America lives in states not affected by Hurricane Sandy, the entire country will feel its effects, especially the bad and ugly ones.
Maria @ The Money Principle writes The Freelancer?s Guide to Budgeting ? When it comes to budgeting we all need help; freelancers need a serious guide to budgeting. This articles offers useful tips for budgeting when you are working freelance.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes The Importance of an Emergency Fund Contest ? Having an emergency fund is one of the first things you should do when taking control of your finances and for reaching the financial life you want.
Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes 5 Easy Ways to Save for Retirement ? It?s easy to put saving for retirement on the back burner.
PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes How Cash Flow Investments Change Your Life ? Find out how dividend investing or cash flow investments can change your life in more ways than the income itself.
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Keep Your Budget Simple ? Don?t make things too complicated when budgeting. Find out how you can keep your budget simple.
Hank @ Money Q&A writes How To Stay Out Of Debt This Holiday Season ? Here are several ways that you can avoid adding to your debt this Christmas. There are ways that you can learn how to stay out of debt this Christmas and holiday season.
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Are municipalities gambling with taxpayer money or being smart? ? Municipalities bought around $500 billion of interest rate swaps prior to the beginning of the financial crisis. Now some of those trades have gone bad.
TRL @ The Retired Landlord writes Down Payment ? The Perfect Amount to Invest ? Investing the right amount in your down payment on your rental property is important for your success as a real estate investor.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes We Scared Ourselves ? Now to Stop Spending Like Crazy People? ? Today is the last day of our October to November budget period. And we were bad. Really bad. We have plans next year, so we have to start saving again.
TDB @ Tax Deduction Blog writes What Can You Do If You Cannot Pay Your Tax Bill ? It can be distressing when you are done with your tax return and then get to know that you do not have sufficient money to pay the additional taxes that you owe to the IRS. There is no need to dread about it and the recognition that you are unable to pay your taxes on?
Corey @ 20s Finances writes 6 Expensive Things Every Homeowner Should Prepare For ? Buying a home has a lot of hidden costs. Make sure to prepare for all of these unexpected costs.
BARBARA FRIEDBERG @ Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance writes SHOULD I INVEST IN COMMODITIES? ? Learn commodities investing. Commodity and investment returns are volatile. Commodities are risky investments.
Shawanda @ You Have More Than You Think writes Build a Budget-Friendly Gym in a Small Space ? If you?re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or e-mail. Thanks for visiting! TweetSharebar Tweet450 square feet. That?s the current minimum apartment size in New York City.
Buck Inspire @ Buck Inspire writes Two Year Blog Review By Looper Buck Inspire ? This is what happens when a blog turns two and learn if you can leap from your 9 to 5 job to working for yourself.
Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes My 31st Birthday Post ? This post is being published a few days after my birthday but today, November 12, 2012, I am going to sign the contract on my family?s new home. I am excited to move from our townhouse to a larger home, but man am I anxious about the whole transaction.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes More on Tipping ? A few months ago I wrote a post asking if tipping is out of control. I was at a restaurant recently and realized I have more to say on this topic.
Peter @ Bible Money Matters writes Review: Save Money Shopping Online, and Save Lives! ? So how does Save1 actually work? It?s a concept similar to other shopping and coupon sites like When you?re shopping for something online, and you find it at a certain store, be sure to check with Save1 first, and see if they?ve got any coupon codes or special offers available for that store. If they do, you just click on their link or use their special code, and when Save1 receives their commission they?ll use part of that to provide a meal for a hungry child.
Infinite Banker @ Becoming Your Own Bank writes How to Get the Highest Rate of Return in Your Qualified Plan ? Learn how you can get the highest rate of return out of your qualified plan.
Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes Student Loans ? Yea or Nay? ? Student loans have advantages and disadvantages. Find out whether students loans are right for you.
Ashley @ Money Talks Coaching writes It?s not about what you earn? it?s about what you keep! ? When I first heard the phrase (work smarter, not harder), I dismissed it as business jargon for (work harder for us with no extra pay).
Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Kids and Money: What They Really Think ? What do kids really think about money? I asked my daughter ? and her friends ? what they?d do with a million bucks. Their answers are hilarious!
Joe @ Midlife Finance writes Lending Money: Yes Or No? ? Should you lend money or not? It?s hard to say no to friends and family members who need financial help. If you decide to do it, here are some tips.
Steve @ Ready To Quit My Job! writes Quitting Without Retiring: Keep Your Name Prominent ? Quitting doesn?t have to mean retirement. Keep in touch and don?t fade into obscurity.
Jamie @ Financial Footsteps writes Student Loans Should Not Have Pre-Payment Fees ? Pre-payment fees can make loans more expensive than they should be. See why you should get a loan without pre-payment fees when possible.
Connor @ Cash Cabana writes Best Layaways in 2012 ? Some stores have better layaways than others. See the layaway policies for K-Mart, Toys R Us, and WalMart.
Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Stop It: Exaggerating Compound Interest Claims ? Compound interest is powerful enough without having to pitch the most extreme case and ignore the realities of inflation. Personal finance writers exaggerating the effect of compound interest? Stop it!
Beating Broke @ Beating Broke writes Lending Club Reaches $1 Billion in Loans ? Despite having to use Lending Club?s secondary market to buy my notes, I?ve still managed to make over 14% in returns. I?m continuing to invest with them, and have reached a point where the principle and interest payments each month are enough to allow me to make one $25 investment each month without adding anything more to the account.
Roger Wohlner @ The Chicago Financial Planner writes Should You Buy Financial Services From Tommy Lee Jones? ? Choosing the right financial advisor for you and your family is critical. You want to do your best to find someone who is competent, whose compensation method is made clear and is transparent, and who you feel that you can trust. Don?t be afraid to ask direct pointed questions and don?t settle for half-answers.
MR @ Money Reasons writes Getting Your Ideas Implemented ? Over time here are the methods I?ve discovered on getting your ideas implemented at work or any place really. Some of the same techniques work to get issues resolved too.
Sicorra @ Tackling Our Debt writes Fun, Inexpensive Christmas Gifts You Can Make at Home ? Avoid spending too much money on Christmas, beginning with Christmas gifts. Here are some fun and inexpensive Christmas gifts that you can make at home.
A Blinkin @ Funancials writes The Fiscal Cliff is a Solution, Not a Problem ? Once the media gets a hold of an idea and it enters it?s way into everyday conversation, it?s either over-hyped or (not as bad as they say.) In my opinion, the Fiscal Cliff falls into the (not as bad as they say) category.
PPlan @ Provident Plan writes Saving Money in Colder Weather ? Temperatures are changing fast and that could mean a huge effect on your finances. Find out how to keep your heating bills low.
Jason @ Work Save Live writes Go Green! Save Money! ? Over the last several years, everything in the store seems to be ?going green?. I see it on packaging and see it on advertising ? it?s on just about everything and down every aisle. However, one of the biggest drawbacks about going green also meant shelling out more cash.
harry campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes Annual Enrollment Time: How Much Can a HSA Save You? ? Ok it?s annual enrollment time again for those of us in traditional workplaces and I?m here to tell you exactly how much a HSA can benefit you. Most large companies are starting to offer HSA?s to their employees for one main reason: it saves them a ton of money. Although employees generally pay a premium per paycheck for their healthcare, there is also a larger portion paid by your employer. To find out the exact portion, you?ll need to review your total compensation packet that shoul
Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes Is Your Significant Other A Spender Or A Saver? ? When I first heard the phrase (work smarter, not harder), I dismissed it as business jargon for (work harder for us with no extra pay).
Passive Income Earner @ The Passive Income Earner writes RESP or No RESP? ? Deciding on funding an RESP is usually based on the desire to provide the best for your children through higher education. Banks or advisors will bring it forward and highlight the 20% contribution from the government in the form of a CESG grant and the tax free growth. They want you to buy their products.
krantcents @ KrantCents writes Moving When You Retire Is Dumb! ? Unless you are moving with friends and family, moving when you retire is dumb! You have roots in the neighborhood, family and community. Social connections are very important to living a long happy life.
Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes 7 Ways I am Working Smarter ? When I first heard the phrase (work smarter, not harder), I dismissed it as business jargon for (work harder for us with no extra pay).
Michelle @ The Shop My Closet Project writes River Loses It or a Firefly money moment ? River from Serenity give financial advice drama style, or at least this is how it would play out.
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes Five Tips to Take Control of Personal Finances ? Today we will talk about five tips take control of personal finances once and for all. It can be difficult to get out of the financial whole. But there are some of the easy things that you can do to take care of your finances.
Rich @ Growing Money Smart writes Optimal Wealth Is A Narrow Range ? Like all things in live, Optimal Wealth Is A Narrow Range! This means that you need the right formula and mixture of income, saving, debt and spending to live optimally.
John @ Modest Money writes Easy Car Maintenance Tips to Make Your Car Go the Distance ? If you?ve ever owned a car, then you have probably spent money repairing it. My cars always seem to break down at the most inopportune moments. By implementing some easy car maintenance tips, you can help further the life of your car and save yourself thousands of dollars in future car repairs.
Jason @ Live Real Now writes Giving It All Away ? Over the last month, while I wasn?t actively looking for a new job, I?ve had 5 job offers. Solid job offers. Some of them came after I announced I was leaving. How does that happen?
Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Fairness In Spending On Kids ? When I first heard the phrase (work smarter, not harder), I dismissed it as business jargon for (work harder for us with no extra pay).
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Is gaming online worth it? ? With the cost of living continually on the increase it?s always a tough decision to decide how to part with your money and what to spend on entertainment.
Everything Finance @ Everything Finance Blog writes Retirement Income Tax Diversification Strategies ? Tax sheltered retirement plans are one of the very best investment vehicles ever conceived?maybe even the best. People of modest means can accumulate great amounts of wealth, and not the least of which because of the tax deferral status they have.
Daisy @ Add Vodka writes October Spending ? When I first heard the phrase (work smarter, not harder), I dismissed it as business jargon for (work harder for us with no extra pay).
Ken Faulkenberry @ Arbor Investment Planner writes Preservation of Capital and Asset Allocation Investing ? Preservation of capital should be the highest priority goal of asset allocation investing. Of course you must take risk, but here is how to optimize asset allocation.
Marie at Family Money Values @ Family Money Values writes Ride the Boomer Age Wave ? Businesses to Serve Boomers ? Boomers are nearing retirement age and according to research done are becoming the age group starting the most businesses. Here are some ideas on what business to get into as you retire, or for the non boomers, what the hot businesses might be for the next 20 years!
J.P. @ Novel Investor writes What Is A Trailing Stop Order? ? The type of orders you use is just as important as what you buy and sell. A trailing stop order allows you to limit your losses without sacrificing gains.
Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey @ My Personal Finance Journey writes I Don?t Need to Save for Retirement Yet, Right? ? This post addresses the question of whether or not one should start saving for their retirement as early as their 20s and 30s and discusses why it?s important to start as early as possible to save for the future.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Supplement your passive income online ? Traditionally, working meant spending Monday to Friday, 9-5 in an office building and living for that moment of freedom when the clock hit 5 on a Friday. The advent of the internet has changed all of that and the way we work has been adapted to include the flexibility of new technology. The World Wide The post Supplement your passive income online appeared first on .
My Own Advisor @ My Own Advisor writes October 2012 Dividend Income Update ? Find out where I?m at on my quest to earn $30,000 per year in tax-efficient and tax-free dividend income.
Vanessa Morely @ The Frugal Toad writes 4 Ways to Cut Costs Not Nutrition at the Grocery Store ? It seems as though foods in the grocery store are getting more and more expensive, which makes all those processed and cheap foods look even more appealing. Although processed foods may seem like a better choice than breaking the bank, there are a few things you can do to cut your bill while still avoiding those high sodium, sugar filled, high calorie foods.
Eddie @ Finance Fox writes Lessons Learned From 3 Years as a Home Owner ? Three years ago this September I bought my first home, and in the process made the biggest financial decision of my life.
Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes Debt Management Company ? Can they help? ? Can a debt management Company help you claw you way out of a debt crisis? What do these Companies offer us when in trouble?
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes 3 Negative Side Effects of Pregnancy (That Nobody Mentions) ? This week has been a pretty interesting week. I have been attending Lamaze classes with my thirty-six week pregnant wife this week, and it?s been something of
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes IRS Announces Tax Changes For 2013 ? It?s that time of year where if you haven?t done some year end tax planning, you are sure to be behind the eight ball when it comes to saving as much money as
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes The 5 Weirdest Things We?ve Sold for Cash ? Over the past few years my family has made close to $7000 by selling unwanted stuff from our closets. My husband is a musician, and musicians have a lot of crap?er, gear, so that helped with our earnings.
IMB @ Investing Money writes What is a Mutual Fund? ? Find out what a mutual fund is and how to use it to your advantage in your portfolio.
Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Three Financial Decisions Newlyweds Need to Make ? These three financial decisions are things you really need to take into consideration if you?re ever to ensure that your future is financially stable.
Bryan @ writes American Politics, The Fiscal Cliff, QE3 & The Gold Market ? Do you know how the ?fiscal cliff?, ?QE3?, the dollar, and Eurozone crisis might be affecting the equities and commodities markets or your retirement stock portfolio? Learn about the uncertainty ahead in 2013, as well as safe investment options like gold bullion, silver, and treasuries as hedges against the inflationary effects of the Federal Reserve?s liquidity plan, market volatility and a potential recession.
Bryan @ writes Best Home Insurance Companies ? Everyone is always talking about the ?best? insurance companies, but which carriers really are the best and in what categories? As provided by the Insurance Information Institute, JD Powers, and AM Best, we?ve assembled a complete list of the top 10 home insurance companies in terms of policy offerings, customer service, premiums, and billing/payment options.
Robert @ The College Investor writes How Shark Tank is Making Me a Better Investor ? Shark Tank, a reality show where entrepreneurs pitch their businesses to venture capitalists who decide whether or not to invest in a business. The show provides some great investment lessons from very successful business leaders, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists.
Michelle @ See Debt Run writes Time; Holding On Won?t Slow It Down ? Do you have a hard time letting go of your children?s outgrown baby clothes? How I learned how to let go of the clutter while still holding onto the memories.
Steven @ Grocery Alerts writes Making the Most of the Holidays on a Tight Budget ? While every family, budget, and situation is different, I wanted to spend some time today to discuss some frugal gift ideas. Presents that you may be able to give regardless of how little you can allocate towards buying gifts.

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